Economic Mediation
Family Mediation
Aristotle, realising the importance of progress, said:
„We can not change the wind but we can adjust our sails“.
A conflict often has a negative connotation. That said, a constructive argument with the assistance of a professionally educated and neutral agent (the mediator) may help to settle that conflict self dependently. We assist you in this process of finding a solution, acceptable for all involved parties, as an independent and non-party arbitrator.
Dealing with both professional and individual conflict settlements, Claudia Stadler is a judicially acknowledged certified mediator, assisting you in your specific situation and solution oriented helping you to develop a way out. In co operation with the certified business mediator and previous banking and foreign currency expert, Michal Eichenberger, we are a team with strong personalities to help you finding the solution.
The principal aim which we follow in mediation, can be read in the following quotation by the Austrian socialpsychologist Marie Jahoda:
It is the task of Human and Social science to make the unvisible visible… the obvious- that one can see with the naked eye- must not be accepted without a second glimpse
(Maria Jahoda)